
Bylaws of the Program in Romance Linguistics:

Ratified by vote of SLCL Executive Committee (October, 2013)

I.  Purpose
The Program in Romance Linguistics administers the interdepartmental PhD Concentration in Romance Linguistics

II.  Participating Departments
Participating Departments are the Department of French and Italian, the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, all three within the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

III. Administration
The Program is administered by the Program Director and the Program’s Advisory Board. The Program Director is appointed by the Director of the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, for a three-year term. The Program Director is responsible for meeting with graduate students who express their intention to pursue the Concentration and advising them on requirements and for final granting of the Concentration once all requirements have been met.

The Advisory Board consists of faculty members, including at least one member from each of the three participating Departments. Members are appointed by the EO of each Department. The Advisory Board meets with the Program Director at least once every academic year to advise the Program Director on the formulation and execution of policies and on other matters related to the Concentration.

IV. Graduate students
The Concentration is available to students pursuing a PhD in any one of the three participating Departments. They are enrolled in the Program by the Director, with the recommendation of their Departmental academic advisor.

V. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Advisory Board.